Junior Curriculum

​​​​​​​The Junior School Curriculum

An introduction

The curriculum in the Junior School (Key Stage 2: Years 3 to 6) is based on the revised English National Curriculum 2014. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which encourages our students to develop a love of learning through practical exploration, hands-on activities and providing a meaningful context for learning.

We are in a fortunate position to adopt best practice from the UK and enjoy the flexibility to adapt our curriculum to reflect the needs of our international and multicultural student body.

End of Year Expectations

KS2 Curriculum Guides

​​Social Studies
Religious Education
Modern Foreign Languages
Design & Technology

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Cayman Prep & High School

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Cayman Prep & High School, PO Box 10013, Grand Cayman KY1-1001, Cayman Islands