High School
Community Action Service
In keeping with our Mission Statement and Christian principles, the High School provides a wide range of opportunities to develop responsible citizenship and promote caring action amongst our students through a supportive structure that encourages them to make a difference through their actions. We believe that, through service to others, the personal, social, emotional and spiritual welfare of our students is enriched. Therefore, all students will be required to participate in active service to others in the local community and internationally and encouraged to take positive action to care for and protect our environment and our cultural heritage.
GUIDELINES for Community Action Service
- CAS embraces any activity that makes a positive difference to a community, the environment or another individual.
- All students in Years 7 – 10 will be required to complete a minimum of 10 hours per year of community service and involvement. All service should be recorded within each student’s UniFrog account.
- Up to 4 hours of CAS service may be organized within forms or across a year group
- At least 6 hours per year must be individual community service activities for which an adult with recognized authority will verify through the UniFrog platform
- Tutors will approve the authorization of individualized service and will ensure that the school’s records of service are maintained accurately and published as required.
- All students in Years 11 -13 are expected to continue community service involvement, voluntarily, exhibiting established practices of responsible citizenship and record their activities within their UniFrog accounts.