Key Stage 3

​​​​​​​The High School Curriculum

Key Stage 3

Year 7 is an important transitional stage between the Primary School and the High School. Students, who now move around the school for lessons, are given pastoral and organisational support in their progression from the security of the Primary classroom to the more demanding High School environment. Our Middle School has a supportive, nurturing environment where students are encouraged to develop a spirit of enquiry and enjoyment of learning in a community which values their individuality.

Each class is assigned a homeroom and a Form Tutor who provides pastoral support and is the first point of contact for the student and parents. Students meet with their Form Tutor for registration and for the weekly Form Period through which a constructive and supportive relationship is developed. All belongings are now kept in lockers and Year 7 Form Tutors play an important role in encouraging students to organise their belongings so that they arrive at lessons fully equipped. Each student is given a Daily Planner in which to record homework and important reminders.

Students who have attended our Primary School will be familiar with our three Houses: Elmslie (green), Redpath (red) and Young (yellow). They will continue to be members of these Houses in the High School and will have the opportunity to represent their Houses in a number of school events such as sporting and academic competitions.

The Middle School curriculum is based on the UK National Curriculum and is sufficiently broad and flexible to enable our students to develop their strengths, interests and academic abilities.

In Years 7, 8 and 9 all students study Mathematics, English, Science, Information Communication Technology, Religious Studies, Art, Drama, Music, French, Spanish, History, Geography, Personal and Social Education and Physical Education. They are grouped by ability in Mathematics, English, Science and Modern Foreign Languages. This ensures that the curriculum, style of teaching and pace are appropriate to the needs of all students. Under the guidance of our Support for Learning teachers, where appropriate, additional in-class and small group support is available.

KS3 Curriculum Guide

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Cayman Prep & High School, PO Box 10013, Grand Cayman KY1-1001, Cayman Islands