The High School Curriculum
Key Stage 4
CPHS offers a two-year course in Years 10 and 11, leading to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education ( IGCSE) through Cambridge International Examinations or the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) through the Welsh Joint Examination Council. These examinations are internationally recognised and the syllabus content caters to a broad range of ability. Some subjects are examined at core or extended level and some subjects have a coursework component, contributing a certain percentage towards the final grade in that subject.
The Upper School aims to develop the skills and values that all our students need in order to succeed in their chosen fields. The academic courses are designed not only to give the students an internationally recognised qualification in that particular subject but also to develop skills that will enable them to become lifelong learners. Our wide-ranging subject choices allow them to build upon their current skills, interests and talents and to widen their experiences by encompassing new opportunities. In addition to our academic subjects we offer career advice and PSE/Ethics, all of which are designed to create “critical creative thinkers and responsible citizens”.