High School
At CPHS our main aim at KS3 level is to build up our students’ creative curiosity. We run a variety of projects designed to hone skills in drawing, painting, printing, digital and sculpting skills. Our students learn to evaluate their own work and the work of other notable artists. They learn to analyse the visual world around them and create varied and highly innovative Art and Design pieces over their 3 years here.
At CPHS students opt to take the IGCSE Art and Design course which lasts over the 2 years. This course has 2 projects, a coursework unit worth 50% of the final mark and an exam project, also worth 50%. Both projects require students to produce a variety of developing and refining work which they have to present as a series of A2 presentation boards. Both projects culminate in a final outcome, produced under timed conditions (8 hours total time).
AS level: Students create 2 projects over this year, one coursework and one exam project which are both worth 50% of their final mark. As with IGCSE, they will work to produce a series of presentation boards showing their work refining to a final outcome. Both final piece outcomes are created under timed conditions (10 hours).
A2 level: Students have one long coursework unit to create over their A2 year. This combines a practical unit of work similar to those created in AS year but this must be informed by an analytical essay (1000-1500 words long) which shows an area of research into a specific Artist of Artistic movement relevant to their chosen practical theme. Their final piece will be completed under timed conditions (10 hours) when the AS complete their exam unit. For the A2 mark, students receive 50% of their grade from their AS mark and the new A2 project gives them the last 50% of their awarded marks.