Head of Assessment and Inclusion

Head of Assessment and Inclusion

Miss Pamela Milton

At Cayman Prep and High School, we take great care in ensuring that our students are supported and challenged in their learning. We huge a huge variety of assessment data to understand students’ ability, attainment and attitude to themselves and their school. This data, along with our extensive knowledge of the students in our care, allow us to create a fully inclusive environment where out learners flourish and fly.


Assessment is fundamental in improving both students’ learning and teachers’ teaching. Assessment for learning is an ongoing process that arises out of the interaction between teaching and learning. What makes assessment for learning effective is how well the information is used. Assessment can do more than simply diagnose and identify students’ learning needs; it can be used to inform the planning process, enable appropriate differentiation and to ensure that appropriate progress is made by all students, regardless of their background.

In class, students will complete formative assessments which teachers use to assess their understanding every day in class. The aim of this type of assessment is to constantly give our students feedback on how they can improve. Students will also complete summative assessments. This type of assessment is used to evaluate students learning, usually at the end of a unit, during mock weeks and at the end of the year. Both types of assessment are incredibly important in helping teachers and students know where they are at, where they are going and how they need to get there.


Our philosophy at Cayman Prep and High School is that every student will be given the opportunity to reach his/her potential and we require our students to work hard and to set targets for growth and improvement in all aspects of school life. Our expectation is that everyone will display the highest standards of social, moral and academic behaviour in keeping with our school Mission Statement and Christian ethos. All students in our care will receive high-quality teaching, intervention, and support that will enable them to succeed in the core curriculum. The driving principle is to make all students feel welcomed, appropriately challenged, and supported in their efforts. Our students will be responsible, confident and independent learners that are socially aware and understand the importance of respect for all.

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Cayman Prep & High School, PO Box 10013, Grand Cayman KY1-1001, Cayman Islands