Protect your personal information on school and personal devices using these helpful tips.
Operating System: All
Applies To: Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents
Last Updated: November 20, 2020
- Be wary of unsolicited email notifications claiming to be from school email address or addresses including the school’s domain “”.
- Install reputable anti-virus and anti-malware programs.
- Keep your anti-virus and anti-malware programs up to date.
- Regularly scan your computer with your anti-virus/anti-malware programs.
- Regularly update your operating system.
- Secure your home Wi-Fi network.
- Avoid visiting unknown sites and clicking on unknown links.
- Do not display personal information on your online accounts.
- Do not use open Wi-Fi.
- Backup your files.
- Use unique and strong passwords.
Links to software to assist security
- Malwarebytes
- Sophos
- Lifelock (This is a paid for product)
Still need help?
Contact the School’s IT Department